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Radicalized Ablism YCC

Racialized Ablism YCC: Ask Me Anything

APRIL holds its next Youth Coordinators Connect on Racialized Ablism: Ask Me Anything. We will have an open conversation to continue the building on the Youth Talk: Racialized Ablism.  We will be connecting on what our experiences have been, questions you may have, and solution sharing together. 

Our goal at APRIL is for us to continue learning and creating spaces where Independent Living can continue to do better in our work for multi-marginalized communities while fighting for disability justice.  We are excited to bring ChrisTiana ObeySumner on to help us work towards this goal as we all learn together. 

ChrisTiana Obey Sumner’s grandmother was a Black Panther and sung the ballads of Audre Lorde and Eldridge Cleaver.  Their mom is a sociologist to the core, raised them to see all of the way’s humans construct society, ourselves, and each other.   ChrisTiana began to grapple with the intersection of race, class, disability, gender, and sexual orientation in their life, a quest to discover the “why” of society and inequity-and the “how” of what steps we should take to become and equitable society-become their life’s passion.  As a consultant, they seek to find answers to their lifelong questions by sharing space with others who have similar questions, and exploring solutions through the lens of critical race theory and intersectionality; Narrative identify development and its role in cultural humility and allyship; Social intersectional models of disability justice, and deconstruction of implicit and hidden drivers of social injustice and inaction. 

We look forward to having you register and join us. Once you register, you will be sent a follow up email with training details within 24-48 hours.  
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