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Options for Johnson Creek Property


Several years ago, the City signed an agreement to purchase the old Face Rock Golf Course.  The purchase was executed by a previous city manager.  The price was $225,000. The terms of the deal were $50,000, down and $17,400 per year with the balance due in 2023.  Basic maintenance is relatively inexpensive on an annual basis.

The purchase was a great value for 38 acres in the heart of the city On the other hand we know some people question the deal given the city's tight overall budget.  The property has little value for affordable housing in the near term, as much it is floodplain.  There are some suitable areas for housing, but they are landlocked until quite a bit of other development happens.

However since we can't go back in time, we are looking for community input on options going forward.  We know this survey is a limited slice of people, but outreach is never the wrong thing to do.  
1. What should the City of Bandon do with the Johnson Creek property? *This question is required.
3. Where do you live?