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2021 BAMRbassador Application

BAMRbassador Application

We are so excited to expand Another Mother Runner BAMRbassador program!  As a BAMRbassador, we will ask you to help us promote and spread the word of our beloved tribe through the following action items:

  • Posting about AMR and its partners on social media.
  • Support one of the Train Like a Mother Facebook training groups by posting tips and motivation, answering questions and moderating the group.
  • Helping out at AMR events (e.g., Podcast Recording Parties, AMR booths at race expos, BAMR cheer stations at races, etc.). **ALL EVENTS ARE TBD SUBJECT TO COVID SITUATION**
  • Promoting sponsor products on behalf of AMR.
  • and other fun opportunities to represent the tribe!​

We expect these activities will take between 3-5 hours per month of your time.

If YOU WANT TO FILL THESE SHOES, please fill out the following application!  

Please note that this is NOT a paid opportunity, but you will be rewarded with swag from AMR and its partners, as well as the love and appreciation of Dimity and SBS!

7. Please indicate the ways you have engaged with the AMR community in the past 18-24 months (please check all that apply). *This question is required.
8. Part of the BAMRbassador duties is to help out at AMR events throughout the year. If you are able to attend some of the above events in person, what would you like to do at the event?  (Please check all that apply) **ALL EVENTS ARE TBD SUBJECT TO COVID SITUATION** *This question is required.
11. Please share your active social media profile handles and number of followers for each. Please note that your Facebook + Instagram profiles must be public to be a BAMRbassador.  *This question is required.
13. Please include a picture to help us easily identify you in the selection process.  It does not need to be a professional photo, and you will not be judged based on this photo.  (Allowed types: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, xls, docx, xlsx, pdf, txt, mov, mp3, mp4; Max file size: 500 KB *This question is required.