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IBM Automation

IBM Automation Content Survey

In an effort to improve the quality of IBM Automation documentation and better understand your needs, the IBM Automation content team has created this survey to gather your feedback.

This survey is voluntary and anonymous. Do not include Confidential information in your responses, or any names or other Personal information that could identify you or any other person.

Comments will be reviewed and potentially shared as written and will not be edited.
2. For the IBM product(s) you currently use, do you consider the documentation accurate and complete?
3. How easy or difficult is it to find relevant information for your product(s) on the IBM Documentation site? 
4. What kinds of content resources do you prefer when using enterprise software?
(Select all that apply)
  • * This question is required.
6. How satisfied are you with the current state of IBM Documentation for the product(s) that you use?