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2021 CST Initiative Survey, F-02310 (04/2022)


The Coordinated Services Teams (CST) Initiatives Survey asks a variety of questions about the operations of your CST in calendar year 2021. The survey is completed annually by CSTs. Results will be used to inform improvements and direct training and technical assistance efforts.

The survey requires knowledge of your initiative and staff, but minimal data collection from your records. The estimated completion time is 12 minutes. The topics in the survey include:

1. Youth and Family Enrollment Information
2. Eligibility Criteria
3. Supports and Services for Youth and Families
4. Community Participation
5. Staff Turnover
6. Supervision and Training
7. Telehealth

This survey should be completed by your initiative's Coordinating Committee, coordinator, and/or consultant (if applicable). Complete only one survey for your entire initiative.

All questions with a star (*) after them require a response.

If you cannot complete the survey all at once, you may close the survey and return to it later by selecting "Save and Continue Later" at the top right corner of the page.

You must complete the questions in order.  You can't skip required questions and jump ahead.

The deadline for completing the survey is Tuesday, May 31.

How to get help
If you have questions or technical difficulties with the survey, please contact Tim Connor at or 608-261-6744.