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Transcendental-future Time Perspective Inventory

Page 1 of 1, Questions 1-15

Read each item and, as honestly as you can, answer the question: “How characteristic or true is this of me?” Of the total 15 questions, you must answer all 10 of the required questions marked with a * in order for your survey to be submitted and for you to get results.
1. Only my physical body will ever die. *This question is required.
2. My body is just a temporary home for the real me. *This question is required.
3. Death is just a new beginning. *This question is required.
4. I believe in miracles. *This question is required.
5. The theory of evolution adequately explains how humans came to be. *This question is required.
6. Humans posses a soul. *This question is required.
7. Scientific laws cannot explain everything. *This question is required.
8. I will be held accountable for my actions on earth when I die. *This question is required.
9. There are divine laws by which humans should live. *This question is required.
10. I believe in spirits. *This question is required.
12. What is your gender?
13. What is your religion?