VFL2019 – Civil Society Survey

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VFL2019 – Civil Society Survey

Part I - Context

6. Urban or Rural *This question is required.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
13. Informant’s Age
14. Gender
15. Previous VFL participation (by show of hands)
16. Have there been any community-led interventions in your community to reduce disaster risks?

VFL2019 – Civil Society Survey


If the you require additional options to be added to the drop-down lists in this section, please email here with your suggestions, specifying if it is a Threat, Consequence, Action or Barrier.
Significant Consequences (Threat 1)
Priority Actions (Threat 1)
Significant Barriers (Threat 1)
Significant Consequences (Threat 2)
Priority Actions (Threat 2)
Significant Barriers (Threat 2)
Significant Consequences (Threat 3)
Priority Actions (Threat 3)
Significant Barriers (Threat 3)

VFL2019 – Civil Society Survey

Loss Trends and Forecasting

In this community, how have disaster losses (lives, assets, livelihoods etc) changed in the last 5-10 years?
What are the three most significant risks/threats you think the younger generations will face when they grow up?

VFL2019 – Civil Society Survey


CS1: To what extent do you engage members of the community, including the most vulnerable, to review and assess the most significant risks/threats?
CS2: To what extent do you include communities including the most vulnerable when preparing plans and actions to address risks/threats
CS3: To what extent do you engage the community members, including vulnerable groups, to implement actions to reduce risks/threats?
CS4: To what extent do you strengthen the capacities of communities and remove barriers to help them participate in resilience processes?
CS5: Do you create opportunities for communities, including the most vulnerable, to participate in resilience processes (such as organising them to meet with government)?
CS6: Do you participate in multi-stakeholder platforms for DRR which include community organisations and other sectoral agencies, such as agencies working on adaptation to climate change, environmental protection, development , etc?
CS7: To what extent are you supporting the local government in collecting information and data related to DRR/climate change adaptation implementation programmes in the communities that you are working in?
CS8: Do you support communities, including the most vulnerable, to share local knowledge and approaches to resilience with others?
CS9: Do you actively advocate community priorities at the National Platform for DRR (or equivalent body)?
CS10: Do you engage with private stakeholders and the government to reduce the risks created from unplanned development?
CS11: What are three most significant factors preventing and facilitating your inclusion of communities in decision-making processes about the risks/threats? (e.g. timing, cost and accessibility to input)
Space Cell Factors preventing your inclusion of communitiesFactors facilitating your inclusion of communities
CS12: Do you find DRR and climate change issues are represented in the local development plan?
CS13: Does your work in the community build resilience through ecosystem management?
CS14: To what extent are you aware of the funding opportunities for DRR/climate change adaptation/climate change mitigation/development activities in your location?
CS15: To what extent are you able to influence coherence between strategies to reduce risks, adapt to climate change and reduce poverty at the local level? (For example, is DRR, integrated in the policies for other sectors such as health and education as a result of your interventions or engagement?)
CS16: Are risks and the approaches to reduce those risks considered carefully in investment projects?  (For example, has there been an investment that has created risks?)

VFL2019 – Civil Society Survey

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