VFL2019 - Community Consultation Survey

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VFL2019 - Community Consultation Survey

Context - Community Consultation

6. Urban or Rural *This question is required.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
12. Consultation Group of
14. Informant Age (how many participants per age group)
15. Previous VFL participation (by show of hands)
16. Have there been any community-led interventions in your community to reduce disaster risks?

VFL2019 - Community Consultation Survey


If the you require additional options to be added to the drop-down lists in this section, please email here with your suggestions, specifying if it is a Threat, Consequence, Action or Barrier.
Significant Consequences (Threat 1)
Priority Actions (Threat 1)
Significant Barriers (Threat 1)
Significant Consequences (Threat 2)
Priority Actions (Threat 2)
Significant Barriers (Threat 2)
Significant Consequences (Threat 3)
Priority Actions (Threat 3)
Significant Barriers (Threat 3)

VFL2019 - Community Consultation Survey

Trends and Forecasting

In this community, how have disaster losses (lives, assets, livelihoods etc) changed in the last 5-10 years? 
What are the three most significant risks/threats you think the younger generations will face when they grow up?

VFL2019 - Community Consultation Survey


CC1: Does local government regularly talk to your community, including the most vulnerable, to assess the most significant risks/threats?
CC2: Does your local government talk to your community, including the most vulnerable, when preparing policies, plans and actions to address risks/threats?
CC3: Do you find your local development plan takes into account the risks the your community faces?
CC4: Does your local government involve your community, including the most vulnerable, in the implementation of actions to reduce risks/threats?
CC5: Are there processes for you/ your community to easily raise concerns or complaints to local government about the actions to reduce risks/threats?
CC6: Can you access information from your local government about the actions to reduce risks/threats?
CC7: Can you access financial resources (money, material, equipment) from your local government to address risks/threats?
CC8: What are three most significant factors preventing and facilitating your inclusion in decision-making processes about the risks/threats in your community? (e.g. timing, cost and accessibility to input)
Space Cell Factors preventing your inclusionFactors facilitating your inclusion
CC9: Have the impacts of the disasters increased in your communities due to public or private development projects?
CC10: Have your ecosystems (such as wetlands, forests etc) been impacted due to development?
CC11: Do you think that the environment/ecosystem issues are considered when implementing development plans?
CC12: Do ecosystems contribute to protecting your community against hazards?
CC13: Are the risks and approaches to reduce these risks considered carefully in public and private investment projects that affect your community?

VFL2019 - Community Consultation Survey

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