var check_cookie = function(){ if(typeof SGCookie === "function"){ var cookie = SGCookie("sg-response-1517676"); if(cookie || false){ $SG("#sg_FormFor1517676").addClass("voted"); $SG("#sgbody-1517676 .sg-question-options").get(0).innerHTML = "
Yes! I don't want to have to create alts just to do other types of crafting. - 38%
Yes. If I can unlock all adventure classes on one character, then I should be able to unlock all crafting types. - 23%
No, I think it's more interesting if I have to choose which type of crafting to specialize in. - 35%
I don't want to see different crafting types or classes at all. Let crafting just be one thing available to all. - 3%
Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding
"; } } } function addLoadEvent(func){ var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != "function") { window.onload = func; }else{ window.onload = function(){ if (oldonload){ oldonload(); } func(); } } } addLoadEvent(check_cookie);document.write('
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