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Startup Weekend : Feedback

我們希望您有個愉快的Startup Weekend體驗,並希望您能幫我們一個忙,和我們分享您的經驗,以便往後的活動能辦得更好。
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
3. How likely are you to recommend Startup Weekend to your friends or colleagues? (0 unlikely, 10 likely) * *This question is required.
4. 您對主辦團隊的整體評價如何?(0 低,10 高)(0 low, 10 high)
5. 您對協調員的整體評價如何?(0 低,10 高)(0 low, 10 high)
Why did you give them the rating above?
7. 您為何決定參加?(複選題)
8. 以下希望您能如實以告您對每一個主題的意見。
Space Cell Rating
The Mentors
The Judges
The Food
The Venue & Facilities
9. Startup Weekend中哪一個單項做得最好? *This question is required.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Startup Weekend has made a positive impact in my life
I feel more confident in my entrepreneurship abilities
I want to continue investing my time with the people I have meet at the event
I want to attend another Startup Weekend
If so, please fill in your email. Otherwise click submit to finish!
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